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Oscar Arias, an insurance man


With more than 30 years in the insurance market, Oscar Alfredo Arias Méndez, together with his team, has positioned Arias & Asociados Corredores de Seguros SAC among the main insurance brokers in the market, according to the Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Peru.

Oscar began his professional studies at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico en Seguros, graduating in 1991 with the title of Technical Professional in Insurance Administration. He took various training and specialization courses at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, the GREAT, Institution in the USA, INCAE Business School in Costa Rica, APESEG (Peruvian Association of Companies and Insurance), as well as workshops held by recognized policyholders and adjusters in the country. . He began his insurance career in 1985 at the La Nacional insurance company in the commercial area, and later joined new insurance companies in the country, eventually occupying the commercial deputy management at La Positiva Seguros.

His entrepreneurial spirit and experience in the market led him to found his own company, Arias & Asociados Corredores de Seguros SAC, currently occupying the general management and presidency. Arias & Asociados Corredores de Seguros SAC is an insurance broker whose mission is to provide the best insurance advice, offering the best insurance products on the market and personalized attention that guarantees protection and tranquility to clients. Thanks to teamwork, the company has managed to gain the trust of large companies, both in the private and public sectors. Likewise, the organization currently has a subsidiary in the United States of America, expanding its activities and offering its services internationally.

A man committed to his company, who, together with his entire team, seeks to ensure the well-being of his clients and workers.

Find the right insurance for you

For persons

Sickness, accident, savings and travel coverage.

For businesses

Insurance against fire, theft, third party damage and more.


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